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OEC 9900 C-Arm

The GE OEC 9900 Elite C-Arm System sets today's industry standard.
Building upon the GE OEC 9800's success, this platform represents the pinnacle in mobile imaging and live fluoroscopy.

OEC 9900 C-Arm

Features of the GE OEC 9900 Elite C-Arm
The GE OEC 9900 Elite C-Arm introduces enhanced image quality and monitoring capabilities. This system can perform DSA (Digital Subtraction Angiography) while either moving the C-arm or adjusting the patient's position. Its user-friendly interface and extended arch design improve accessibility for specific procedures, such as cardiovascular and pain management. GE's advanced algorithms and a range of preprogrammed bandwidths enhance image accuracy and definition. Equipped with dual flat-panel monitors and a touchscreen interface, the GE 9900 Elite simplifies monitor positioning, allowing comfortable viewing of C-arm images from any perspective.

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